Tuesday, June 19, 2012

FINE Louisiana, You Can Be Stupid Too

At first I was pissed to see that Louisiana is getting public money for religious schools to teach shit such as the Loch Ness monster proves evolution is a hoax and solar fusion is a myth, among much other batshit stuff. But after thinking it through for about 5 seconds I'm like fuck it, if Louisiana wants their kids growing up stupid, let 'em  - that mean less competition for my children, should they one day exist, once these kids get out in the real world. Much like the children of Texas, they'll be some lost motherfuckers once they get to college and find out their believing Jesus beat England arm-wrestling to win America's Independence won't exactly help them. I'd love to interview these people for jobs one day. "Ok, ok,...(catching breath from laughter)...one more time, tell me - a certificate of deposit's rate of return is based on how pissed Jesus is at the gays? hahahahahahahah!!!!"

Sigh. too awesome, n'est-pas?

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