Thursday, June 28, 2012

I Did Not Know That

7) Where did the myth about sexy, slutty flight attendants begin? The stereotype is of gorgeous horny babes banging dudes at every layover. I don't fly a lot, but every time I do the attendant is usually, if not a flaming dude, some spinster who weighs in at 400lbs. She's out of breath while showing us what to do in case we crash, and constantly scraping my shoulder with her fat ass every time she squeezes by. What the fuck. - XMASTIME
Secrets of flight attendants:
Of all the drinks we serve, Diet Coke takes the most time to pour—the fizz takes forever to settle at 35,000 feet. In the time it takes me to pour a single cup of Diet Coke, I can serve three passengers a different beverage. So even though giving cans to first-class passengers is a big no-no, you’ll occasionally spy 12 ounces of silver trimmed in red sitting up there.
Though does she specifically mean DIET Coke, or any soda/carbonated drink? INteresting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can thank Feminism for that. Stewardesses used to be almost universally attractive. Then came lawsuits and let's be honest, they probably had merit.

If you want to see what it used to be like, fly a Latin American carrier or Singapore Airlines. European carriers take a middle road approach with mostly nice looking girls with a few guys and bowsers thrown in to avoid the fate that befell American carriers.