Wednesday, June 06, 2012

I'm Solly, So Solly....

On one hand you wanna shake your fists at the outrageous pile of $$$ from out-of-state donors, something you'd think to be anathema for a party who pretends to believe in self-sufficiency and the ol' "keep your outsider mitts offa my state!!" bullshit (see the NY 23rd election.) And then you wanna be pissed because you know that instead of seeing the close recall (coupled with a newly Democratic state Senate, which may be more important anyway) as a signal to somewhat temper their ambitions, the GOP will roll their eyes in the back of their heads in bloodlust as they overreach even further, with every other GOP governor around the country licking his chops to do a "Walker" on his own state. But then you realize that 38% of union households voted for Walker yesterday and you think fuck it, you get what you fucking deserve. If Wisconsin wants to challenge states like Florida and Texas for the title of Dumbest State in the Union they're welcome to it, long as they keep cranking out the best butter burger in the country:
BUTTER BURGERS: "It's no surprise that butter burgers reach their apotheosis in Wisconsin, the Dairy State. As if a juicy hunk of meat ain't enough moistness for you, folks around these parts cook the patties in butter and then slather on a hefty dose of the stuff right after it hits the bun. Solly's Grille in Milwaukee is a famous spot for this style."

Now THIS is more like it!! This is a burger I could fucking get into (not a burger I could get into fucking.) Also, the owner of Solly's Grille in Milwaukee naming the restaurant as a joke re: how Pat Morita from Arnold's would apologize to his girlfriend = priceless.

GRADE: potential A+

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