Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Internet, In a Nutshell

Last week HERE I mentioned the death of one of my favorite bloggers; a week later, the thought of him so senselessly dying still fucks me up, but I take comfort in a comment from his Facebook page:
When we think about what Peter was doing before he left us behind...he was connecting us in a tapestry that was beyond belief. He was gathering and sharing personal stories and painting pictures with words and colours.
So, when we want to honour Peter, let us remember to tell our own stories...stretch ourselves to be outside of our comfort zone and share who, what we truly are ..doing and being ..which is filling each others lives with who we really are...sharing our own truth.
We are all a part of the same fabric. The same Universe. We crash into each other every moment of every day. And thank fucking god we do.

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