Thursday, June 14, 2012


Sully wonders why Romney's Mormonism gets a pass when Obama still gets hell for Rev Wright:
Here's a question: if Barack Obama had to go through a brutal process of defending the doctrines, sermons and ideology of a church he merely attended, why is Mitt Romney exempted from explaining the doctrines and statements and ideology of a church he was an actual leading official in?
As usual, it's the hypocrisy that grates the most:
You could argue, as I do, that politics and religion are separate spheres and that a candidate's faith should not be a major issue for anyone. But Romney is running as the leader of a party whose modern incarnation is defined by an insistence that religion and politics are inseparable, and Romney's runner-up memorably described president Kennedy's strict affirmation of political secularism as puke-worthy. So there really is no solid defense against an examination of Romney's faith and how it formed him - or questioning some of his faith's stranger doctrines.


Anonymous said...

agreed! Mormonism is one of the most wealthy and powerful churches in the world. They practically OWN Hawaii, Pepsi, Ramada or Marriot Hotels, so much more. They try to win over disillusioned Christians, people who want something big but can't take the simplicity of salvation without works. And yet, many people have no clue about what they REALLY belive. Anyone who hears the truth about Mormonism and fails to see the light and run (not walk) and denounce the faith really has no business running for president. I believe that many have never looked further than what their leader men tell them...

Anonymous said...

I would think the dfference between a bunch of geeks and a raging black man would be obvious.