Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No Justice

...losing space just cause some celeb wants to write sucks; the same way it sucks if Jack White takes up your band's potential shot on a label whenever he wants another side project, or when your film gets bumped from Sundance because some movie with Ben Affleck and Robert DeNiro and directed by Steven Spielberg wants in. Shit don't seem fair - you're already rich and successful, now you gotta come take the rest of the crumbs too? 
I said it before about successful actors hogging commercials now HERE.  
Or, just to make sure EVERYbody suffers, Metallica shows up at SXSW. - XMASTIME
Matt Yglesias points out THIS ASSHOLE who is already rich and famous and yet is determined to soak up money for his Kickstarter Project from people who could instead be using their money on people whose projects actually need the money:
That said, in many ways a well-off, very successful, and very well-known science fiction novelist raising $500,000 to build a video game engine seems very far from the high-flying promises of the crowdfunding world. After all, Stephenson could easily pay for this out of pocket or get a bank to loan him the money. He's the reverse of someone who needs access to the democratic power of social finance.
This is some bullshit, just like already-successful musicans clogging up space on record labels with their side projects or wildly successful actors getting their snouts into jobs traditionally reserved for asctors just starting out. Ugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chris Pine needs to be on Broadway in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" like Kathy Lee Gifford needs another White Zinfandel.