Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rock of Fuggin Ages

Just the other day I mentioned to somebody that while I'll sneer at the commercials and roll my eyes at how dumb it is, there is little doubt in my mind that when it comes on cable tv I will watch Rock of Ages about, oh, 780000 times. THIS GUY HERE sums it up perfectly:
I resisted “Rock of Ages” manfully — for about 30 seconds. I was still OK when Oklahoma small-town girl Sherrie (Julianne Hough, star of the recent “Footloose” remake) busts out into a rendition of Night Ranger’s “Sister Christian” during her Greyhound ride to L.A. I mean, I chortled, but I was OK. But then the African-American bus driver joins her, in a mellow baritone, and then it’s everybody else on the bus: “Where you goin’, what you lookin’ for/ You know those boys don’t wanna play no more/ With you …” And I was swept away, into the vertiginous vortex of irresistible idiocy.
I also have exactly zero doubts about Top Cat knocking the role outta the gotdam park.


mamalizza said...

roadhouse playing at nitehawk.

Xmastime said...
