Friday, July 13, 2012

Finally, A Reason to Like the All-Star Game

Xmastime Hall of Famer Neil DeGrasse Tyson watched the All-Star game the other night, and decided to text ("textifying") through the eyes of a physicist. He was, as always, awesome.
FYI: Laws of physics show that it takes twice as much energy to throw a baseball 100 mph than it does to throw one at 70 mph.

About that slow pitch: BugsBunny can throw a slower one. He's subject instead to Cartoon Laws of Physics

Does it disturb anyone else that "The Los Angeles Angels" baseball team translates directly to "The The Angels Angels"?

Never figured why the Foul Pole is called the Foul Pole when it's entirely in fair territory. Should be called the Fair Pole.

Baseball should track extraordinary plays that fielders can bank, and then credit against errors they might later commit.

In Baseball, if a pitch hits you on ball four, you should get to advance to second base.

In the 1960s, when we still dreamed, we named a dome, a baseball team, and even the artificial turf they played on "Astro".

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