Thursday, July 05, 2012

First Love's Death Knell

Today is the birthday of my first love. We broke up about 17 years ago, but each year this day remains the same: I stare out as if looking for a lost ship to return to shore with my beloved, asking "When will my love return? And when she does, will she give me back my fucking letter jacket?" - XMASTIME 
Saw my high school girlfriend this weekend (NO, unfaithful readers, not "like that" - she has a husband, for chrissake!  And some kids!) We must've lost that little bit of a connection with us over the past few  decades  years, since when I said "so, how are you doing?" she did not rightly pick up "where the hell is my letter jacket?" from my tone. That stings. We might finally, really be over.

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