Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good News!!

NYC politician Anthony Weiner is sniffing around getting back into politics.

As you know, I hollered at the dude to not fucking quit in the first place.
Meanwhile, David Vitter is still in the Senate, and he broke the law while being proven a giant hypocrite.  Gingrich gets to run for president, and if Bill Clinton could run for president he'd get about 65% of the vote.  If Weiner just waits it out a bit he'll be fine.  One day, he'll be pissed he got into this mess without actually having sex with anyone (as far as we know.) Politicians getting in hot water about this shit nowadays is like waiting for a bus: just give it a few minutes, and another one will come along.

The point is I hope he runs, so then he's outta the damn house and I can focus on getting my snout up in his wife's rim. I mean, llllllllllllllllookit them chompers! Nom nom nom!!!!!

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