Monday, July 02, 2012

Happy Birthday America: Asshole Republicans in History, I

Remember this little shit?
After not finding their Yoda throughout the McCain/Palin/Plumber/Steele/Bachman/Cantor/DeMint blizzard of fucking idiots, it looks like the GOP is turning to a 13 year-old kid for ideas: Jonathan Krohn, author of Define Conservatism, speaker at the CPAC 2009, and little shit:
Krohn later told Newsweek that he gets picked on unmercifully, "I know that no one likes me because I'm better than them. I don't need the approval of immature juvenile delinquents. I have the support of America's adults.
Gets picked on. Shocker. His dad must be so proud to have a son who wants to be the National Can I Take Names When You're Out of the Room? guy. He'll be doing a lot of bragging at the hunt club. Meanwhile I look forward to Mr. Krohn's first field report for Hannity. Stuffed in a locker with his underoos pulled over his head, presumably.

Don't worry kid; when I was 13 I thought I'd be able to dunk a basketball. Eventually, you put silly ideas aside and grow up. Good luck!

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