Thursday, July 05, 2012

An Ironically Named Congressman Who's an Idiot

THIS CONGRESSMAN FROM FLORIDA was asked about the minimum wage possibly being raised to $10/hr, and it went like this:
CONSTITUENT: Hi, I’m (inaudible) how are you? Happy Fourth of July. Jesse Jackson, Jr. is passing a bill around to increase the minimum wage to 10 bucks and hour. Do you support that?
YOUNG: Probably not.
CONSTITUENT: 10 bucks, that would give us a living wage.
YOUNG: How about getting a job?
CONSTITUENT: I do have one.
YOUNG: Well, then why do you want that benefit? Get a job.
Apparently, he doesn't understand that to receive the minimum wage, no matter what that wage is, you hafta have a, you know, J O B. It's not a "benefit", it's a pre-determined wage, same as his own surely-too-high one is. You're more than welcome to claim that $10 is too high or low or whatever, but Young has knee-jerked into the tired ol' "get a job hippy!" since of course anyone wanting a higher minimum wage must be shiftless slackers gaming the system from their parents' couch while picking up their food stamps in new Cadillacs, which makes him look like a dithering idiot. Even when speaking to someone who has a job, the mindless mantra is "get a job, deadbeat!"

Of course, turns out this motherfucker is 81 years old. As I've written before, it borders on the insane that someone that age can be in charge of making these ind of decisions.

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