Tuesday, July 03, 2012

It's Not the Heat It's the...Oh Wait, It's Totally the Fucking Heat

Today was the hottest day since the evening in the summer of 1999 when I was naked on my bed laying ice cubes on my chest. Then the cable went out. Then, looking through my door into the kitchen, all of a sudden the toaster, which wasn't even on, burst into flames. I didn't even get up. "Seems about right," was all I could think. - XMASTIME
That is some serious shit. I've been lucky and haven't lost power, not for a second. I rarely feel for other people because I'm usually too busy doing something totally awesome like fucking, but I feel for these poor bastards. I've been going from an air-conditioned car to an air-conditioned office to and air-conditioned house. If I was still in Brooklyn, I'd be sobbing in a pool of sweat, making my annual threat that I was moving to Canada.

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