Sunday, July 01, 2012

Newest Super, Super, Superslice

I mentioned REV the other week, and just watched the first episode. Fucking AWESOME.

REV has it all: London, quirky Church of England parishioners, drinking, a smoking hot headmistress, an archbishop evil as a snake, construction workers who mercilessly pummel the Reverend with over-the-top verbal bludgeoning and, most importantly, Tom Hollander, whose work in Freezing, In the Loop, even his tiny bit in John Adams and now this put him in danger of being the fastest actor to ever rocket himself into the Xmastime Hall of Fame.

One priest apparently told writer James Woods that the show isn't a comedy but a documentary. I think it's both. Hurrah for Rev Adam Smallbone, his most excellent wife and his dysfunctional / lovely congregation. 

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