Friday, July 20, 2012


My thought on the Columbine Paducah Va Tech massacre Gabby Giffords VA Tech again whatever the next one is Aurora, Colorado shooting is that I’m not surprised at all, other than to be mildly surprised this doesn't happen way more often. To now start the standard post-shooting ritual of wondering if we’re gonna have serious change re: gun laws is silly. So let’s stop with the “national grieving”, and enough with the "shock." Let’s go about our day, shrugging our collective shoulders “well, that’s the price someone else pays so I can stockpile my house with guns." I don’t want one politician on tv squeezing out some tears about this “tragedy.” I want Charlton Heston on the screen with an AK-47 shouting “from my cold, dead hands!!”  My getting blown away in the street by anyone who can crack the riddle of getting their hands on a gun is worth it so that we can all fortify ourselves in preparation for some military takeover that would be possible if we were any other country at any other point in history other than our present-day one. Hey, if we ALL were armed to the gills, that guy would've only gotten off a few shots, right? Don't like it? Move to Canada, you fucking pussy. I'm buying a gun store.

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