Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Struggle of Not Struggling

3) As for my outrage re: this guy being the poster boy for the teeming loads of young men who are born to lives of wealth and privilege yet insist on pretending to be poor, wearing gas attendant shirts while drinking PBR. Reminding us that it’s cool to LOOK poor, tho it’s not really cool to BE poor. - XMASTIME
So, this chick is lamenting that her life hasn't been one of just scraping by, poor thing:
Now, two months after graduation, I seem to be one of just a handful of people that's been able to get themselves on their feet, pay their own bills and actually put together some semblance of an adult life with minimal parental assistance. I bought a car, found an apartment and set up a 401k, just six months after turning 22. I came down on the 'right' side of every statistic — I found a job in my field that actually pays well, I'm living on my own, and seem to have everything that these other college graduates are dying to have...But what about that 10-cents-a-word life that I always wanted? What about New York City? What about freelancing, penning newspaper columns and urban adventures? What about the struggles that I see on Girls and the tales of credit card debt and ramen noodle dinners? Aren't these the things that really make you 22?... Though I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I might not be living a Lena Dunham-inspired life, I'm putting myself in a position where in the future, I might have a few more options to pursue what I really love -- and maybe I'm closer to Carrie Bradshaw than I think.

First of all, Lena Dunham didn't have a Lena Dunham-inspired life. It's pretty well documented she grew up pretty rich in Manhattan. So there's that. Also, I wouldn't fret too much if I was Ms. Cotter, since life doesn't stop trying to fuck your shit up at the age of 22; 22 is not "home base!" where nothing can touch you. Maybe she'll get lucky and will be laid of from her job, or she'll get a horrible disease or her heart broken. Maybe she'll hit the jackpot and will find herself living at 100 Metro with a coupla 50 year-olds extending the Prell shampoo ("the good shit") with water. Peep your head into my former life, Ms. Cotter, and "suddenly" being mildly successful and without want won't seem like nature's cruelest trick.

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