Friday, July 13, 2012

The Universe is Trying to Tell Me Something

The only time I ever got lucky at something like this is when my high school girlfriend heard our song on the radio as a “dedication” and thought I had called it in. Which I hadn’t. Did I take credit for it? Umm…am I retarded? Of course! Maybe that’s why every time since I’ve tried to woo a girl with romantic moments they have failed miserably, or never even happened due to bad sequences of luck/timing. Is there a volcano I can sacrifice my “I Melt with You” cassingle to in order to lift this dang curse???!! - XMASTIME
Look, I ain't saying my high school girlfriend and I are getting back together. She's happily married with a coupla kids. Alls I'm saying is, the very first song I heard in my  1999  brand new Toyota Corolla, which is the same make of car that we first kissed in all those years ago, was I Melt with You. I mean, camon. Something's happening here. And when it does, baby, can you please bring my letter jacket? Thanks!

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