Monday, July 23, 2012

Wait, What?

This is a Mitt Romney ad I just caught on tv. If you're gonna base an entire commercial on the premise that Obama's evil because he thinks no man is an island and we all owe our success at least partly to others, how the hell can you open with some guy who while outraged at Obama's comment comes out and says his own business was created by his father, which he presumably walked into when he chose to? What the fuck? Does nobody see these things before they hit the airwaves?


Marley said...

You don't think that's a good ad?

Marley said...

Though I like the suggested rebuttal ad.

"this jag off's daddy gave him the business and he's been wanking off ever since. He didn't build that!"

Xmastime said...

alls im saying is that if your point is "Obama's wrong, we build things on our own with no help from nobody!" then maybe you dont wanna have someone who literally points out that someone else built his business leading off.

Marley said...

I've now come to realize the heart of your brilliance is the moronic postures you attribute to your political foes and your constitutional inability to answer direct questions. If I didn't think you were heartfelt in your conviction, I'd lament, "what a promising young fella'. He could have been somebody."


Xmastime said...


Xmastime said...

well, here's a shocker:

My beef isn't even ideological - if you're gonna do an ad like this, take ten minute to find someone who actually HAS built his business "from nothing!", or at least a lot closer than this guy. and if not, at least try to fool me, don't open with "I inherited this from my daddy!" Ugh. fucking idiots.