Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In Defense of Serge Bielanko

You can listen to Serge HERE re: the photo of him and his kid on the porch.

Look, Serge did nothing wrong - it's just a picture of a dad and his daughter, who yes is al fresco but is only three years old, hanging out on a porch swing, laughing and enjoying themselves. The mistake Serge DID make was he forgot the Golden Rule: when kids are naked, cover them up with a beach ball:

That's all -  a fun, colorful beach ball. That's the deal we have made with each other as a society, and Serge made temporary leave of his senses and forgot to Photoshop a beach ball into the picture. That's his crime, and if that's the worst thing he's ever done, I mean, camon.

Of course I can relate a bit to what he's going through, having gotten some pretty bad comments from the peanut gallery when they thought I was feeding The Short Bus Vodka:

Or screaming obscenities at him and The Major:

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