Thursday, August 23, 2012


I moved into my current place 61 days ago today. There was a light on the backyard deck that shone bright as hell which we couldn't find the goddam off-switch to. We tried every switch in the house, no luck. Fuck it, it'll burn out after a coupla days, we said. The thing shone a light right onto my bed like a light that is shone right onto someone's bed. Curtains meant it didn't really make a difference to my sleep patterns, at least not as much as, say, my rather prodigious lovemaking, but here we are 61 days later and the thing hasn't burned out yet. It fucking rages on like the sun, even after at LEAST 2400 consecutive hours. I don't even know if this is normal for a light bulb or not, but I know I've had light bulbs burn out a lot quicker on little lamps that quite frankly didn't do shit for weeks at a time. In other words, I'm pretty sure I'm sitting on top of the planet's energy solution, and am about to become the world's first trillionaire because of it.

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