Monday, August 27, 2012

Lance Armstrong

Nobody could give two shits what I think about Lance Armstrong  People have been asking me what I think about Lance Armstrong giving up the fight re: doping charges. First of all, it's hard to put into words how little Americans give a shit about cycling, as I sexily wrote here. Secondly, when it comes to "non-real" sports, ie not football/basketball/baseball, I don't really care about things being on the up & up as much as I'm curious to see something freakish happen. Such as winning seven Tour de Frances, or eating a live mouse on tv. Whatever. Was he doping, wasn't he, I have no idea, other than if it's true he's been doing it since 1999 and won seven times, you can be for damn sure every other cyclist has been doing the same shit in an effort to catch up to him.

But I do believe he's giving up the legal fight purely because he's tired of having to deal with it. He's already convicted in the minds of those who want him to be guilty, so fuck it. No matter how many times it comes back he's not guilty there'll be people who won't believe it, and then countless more rounds of accusations. All fora sport none of us really give a shit about. And it's not even like football or baseball, where there's legitimate concerns about millions of kids juicing because the pros do - are there really kids doping so that one day they can be a great cyclist? Yes, if one of the 17 kids out there dreaming of becoming Lance Armstrong somehow freakishly makes it to his level he might feel compelled to juice to compete.

Sometimes, enough is just fucking enough already.

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