Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last One

Just the other day I was thinking that just like at some point in time there was only one living person on the planet who had fought in WWI, or the Civil War, or had been a part of any significant historical even in human history, there will come a time when either Paul or Ringo will die, meaning there will only be one person on the planet who knows what it's like to be a Beatle. And yes, I mean a real Beatle, not Pete Best or someone outta the wood work claiming to have been a member of the band during a lunch in Hamburg.

And so with Neil Armstrong dying, we're down to 8 out of the 12 people who have walked on the Moon. Sure, that's different in that we can send someone else there anytime we want, but we probably won't anytime soon. I wonder who it will be that can make the claim to be the only living person ever to have set foot on another body in our universe. The money's on Charles Duke, as he's the youngest, but they're all kinda the same age, so. I'm betting on Harrison Schmitt, since  1) I've never heard of him and 2) anyone with the fucking name "Harrison Schmitt" that still has the onions to go to the fucking moon is not, I would say, the kind of dude to leave a party early, amirite?

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