Monday, August 20, 2012


On one hand, I guess it's nice that Augusta has finally extended an offer to ladies.

On the other hand, I kind of wish someone as accomplished as Condoleeza Rice would've told them to go fuck themselves with their offer.

But of course it's hard to find someone as trained to saying "yes, massah!" to old rich white guys as Condoleeza Rice is, so what can you do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackass:

Would you be happier were she like Snoop from the Wire? Or if the Club told morons like you to fuck off?

Guess what? Any black person that achieves success is inevitably going to be working with a bunch of white people. Statistics and demographics are just that.

Gee, who is more impressive? Condi Rice or Van Jones? Condi Rice or Eric Holder?

Bigots like you loves dem coloreds as long as they conform to your idiotic politics. I mean shit, can't give them choice of ideology can ya huh boy? Don't like ole Barry Obama well you must be a racist. Screw valid opinions.

You are the people MLK warned about.