Saturday, August 11, 2012

More Paul Ryan

Moi, a coupla years ago:

One thing people on the Right like to cry and stomp their feet about is when someone doesn't have "experience" in their governing field; remember for instance the howling re: Obama not having "executive experience," and the outrage that he'd never run a business, ergo he had no idea how the free market works, having wasted his time as a community organizer inventing the Muslim nation. 
And yet they don't seem to mind the National Budget being almost solely in the hands of someone who has been in Congress since his 20's, and whose only private sector work was a...wait for it..."marketing consultant for the family business."  Which, I think, Adam Sandler's character in Billy Madison technically was. 
I'm not saying Paul's not necessarily qualified or unqualified to do anything, but the lack of outrage or even mild curiosity over him being the figurehead for such a thing is interesting.  Either we can stop pretending we care about such things, like whether or not the Commander in Chief has served in the military, or continue that most American of values, faux outrage. 
I will say his having once drove the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile is actually pretty cool.

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