Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Oh No, It's Lolo! (Did I Just Name Tyler Perry's Next Sitcom?!?!?!?)

I felt bad for Lolo Jones last night after she only finished in fourth place, knowing she'd opened herself up to being h8ed by all the h8rs, which simply isn't right because she's  hot as fucking balls  a human being. This article puts things in perspective:
If you only care who wins gold, silver, and bronze, you might as well just tune in for the medal table update at the end of NBC's nightly broadcast rather than wasting time on the pesky events themselves. And the people who treat Jones as some sort of loser or disappointment for being the fourth-best runner in the world in her discipline might consider whether a new approach to judging performance might let them enjoy the Olympics more, and help them evaluate the extraordinary people who compete in them with more dimensions and more fairness.
I think I'd be pretty happy if I was the fourth-best at anything in the world  except masturbating while driving, which of course I'm THE best at.

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