Thursday, August 09, 2012

Irony, table for one.

Papa John's is threatening that if you don't do the right thing and vote for Romney so Obamacare can be revealed, you're totally fucked when it comes to the price of his beyond shitty, even worse than Dominos pizza:
Pizza chain Papa John's told shareholders that President Obama's health care law will cost consumers more on their pizza.
On a conference call last week, CEO and founder John Schnatter (a Mitt Romney supporter and fundraiser) said the health care law's changes — set to go into effect in 2014 — will result in higher costs for the company — which they vowed to pass onto consumers.
Yikes! Scary! Oh wait, it's totally not scary at all:
"Our best estimate is that the Obamacare will cost 11 to 14 cents per pizza, or 15 to 20 cents per order from a corporate basis," Schnatter said.
Gee. 14 cents. I'm sure anyone who's ever ordered pizza twice has noticed a difference of 14 cents. Of course. And sure, of course I'd rather pocket 14 cents than have healthcare provided for the very people employed to carry pizza to people who will later need healthcare themselves after inhaling that shit without even getting off the couch to go get it. Sure, why not?

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