Sunday, August 19, 2012

Paul Ryan is SO Brave!

For some reason Paul Ryan is labeled as being a "brave" Congressman who is ready to make the "hard decisions" for America; of course now that he's the VP candidate it's taken about 4 seconds to realize he's completely full of shit. While now claiming that it's anti-American to do anything not in concert with one's moronic high school freshmen Ayn Rand obsessions, it turns out that while he's insisting that Obama's stimulus ideas are gonna destroy America, he once was quite vociferous in claiming that a stimulus is exactly what an economy needs. Of course, that was back when Bush wanted it, not Obama. How brave!

In Ryan's defense, it should be noted that he has always stood tall while performing that most noble of duties:
There is one thing Ryan has been consistent on, however. Come boom time or recession, budget surpluses or budget deficits, Ryan always supports tax cuts for the very wealthy.

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