Sunday, August 26, 2012

PIZZA du jour

Post HERE about pizza going the way of Chipotle/Subway:
All these places share in common constructing the pizzas assembly-line style in front of the customer, lots of topping options (most with a locally-sourced, sustainable, or organic spin), making dough or sauce in house daily, quick bake times in 500-800 degree ovens, and pizzas priced under $7.
The entire article is rendered invalid, of course, since not once does it make a reference to Kramer's brilliant "make your own pizza" idea from over two decades ago.
KRAMER: Oh, hey guys. Man, I'm telling you. This pizza idea, is really going to happen.
GEORGE: This is the thing where you go and you have to make your own pizza?
KRAMER: Yeah, we give you the dough, you smash it, you pound it, you fling it in the air; and then you get to put your sauce and you get to sprinkle your cheese, and they - you slide it into the oven.
GEORGE: You know, you have to know how to do that. You can't have people shoving their arms into a six-hundred degree oven.
KRAMER: It's all supervised.
GEORGE: Oh, well.
KRAMER: All of it. You want to invest?
GEORGE: My money's all tied up in change right now.
KRAMER: No, I'm tellin' ya, people, they really want to make their own pizza pie.
JERRY: I have to say something. With all due respect, I just never.. I can't imagine anyone in any walk of life, under any circumstance, wanting to make their own pizza pie.. but that's me.
KRAMER: That's you.

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