Wednesday, August 15, 2012


The traumatic "band breakup!" is obsolete; bands can come and go and put out records every 10 years and nobody cares, it's not like the old days when people thought the Beatles were done because it had been ten seconds since they dropped Revolver, for fuck's sake. - XMASTIME
THIS ARTICLE HERE on how we can't get bands to retire at all anymore, much less gracefully. Partly for our desperate need for nostalgia:
Rock reunions have been going on for many decades now, but seem to be picking up in frequency as rock’s history gets more crowded with the rubble of busted-up bands. Simon Reynolds has pointed out, in his perceptive book “Retromania,” that popular culture has become addicted to its own recent past. Reading the music magazines is a bit like walking down a city street and seeing someone in a Mohawk, another in a Carnaby Street blazer, another in grunge flannel.
And it doesn't matter how "different" your favorite band is, in the end they're gonna get back together for cash as soon as theyc an too, same as The Eagles. It seems like the thing to do that's even better than BEING a band is to HAVE BEEN a band. Just tell everybody you played 20 years ago and nobody cared/ever saw you, and then wait for the money truck, beeyotches.

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