Monday, August 27, 2012


Sully says HERE what I have about a thousand times on Xmastime about the Republican Party:
This is indeed a party more extreme than any other right-of-center party in the West, a party whose social policy is dictated by the Bible, whose foreign policy is directed by the furthest-right faction in a foreign country (Israel), and whose economic policy is based on the notion that if you cut taxes massively and boost defense spending and only cut entitlements in twenty years, we can best tackle the debt. 

But its candidate - who has ensured there is no daylight between him and the more rabid parts of his party - is neck and neck with a president still in the world of reality. The GOP's degeneration is its own fault; but that such a degenerate, irresponsible, ideologically extreme party is now, I believe, the favorite to win this election is a reflection not on them, but on us. 
It's easy to roll your eyes at the ridiculousness of these people and wait for its "inevitable implosion", but come November at least 50 million people will pull the lever for Romney. Astounding.

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