Sunday, August 05, 2012

The King and iBeatles

Fun article HERE about both when The Beatles met Elvis....
The Beatles can’t think of a word to say. They just look straight ahead, finding it hard to adjust to being in the same room as the King. ‘Wow! That’s Elvis!’ is all Paul can think. They are impressed, however, by the way Elvis can change channels on his television without moving from his seat. They have never seen a television remote control before.
‘Look, if you guys are gonna sit here and stare at me all night, Ah’m gonna go to bed!’ says Elvis.
....and then when Elvis sold them out a few years down the road to Nixon because he hadn't gotten off his fat ass to do shit in years:
Elvis launches into a passionate diatribe against the Beatles: they have come to America and taken American money, then gone back to England to foster anti-American feeling.
‘The President nodded in agreement and expressed some surprise,’ reads Bud Krogh’s official memo of the meeting. ‘The President then indicated that those who use drugs are also in the vanguard of anti-American protest … Presley indicated to the President in a very emotional manner that he was “on your side”. Presley kept repeating that he wanted to be helpful, that he wanted to restore some respect for the flag.’
So, even The Beatles could be accused of "taking American jobs", apparently. Some things never change, do they? Today we like to get upset about a Mexican "taking" the job that no American would deign to do in a million years, and I guess back then The Beatles were somehow taking the jobs of Americans who otherwise would have ascended to the loftiest peaks of not just music but in fact the very history of the culture of Western civilization as a whole. Of course.

But seriously, I shouldn't talk shit on The King. I got suckered in by Tricky Dick's baby blues too  :(

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