Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today's Racist Barry Post

A few years ago I wrote this about Obama, in reference to his telling kids to pull up their goddam pants:
What other President have we ever know would've said that? First of all, they wouldn't have been aware of such a thing since I'm guessing they would think that low-riding jeans wearers don't vote, so fuck 'em. And if they WERE actually forced to say something, you now it'd be some rambling, vague "I love America!" nonsense about family values, faith, God, blah blah blah blah. But here we see someone who can walk into ANY community and speak to young people, and say exactly what anybody else would wanna say: "Hey - pull up your fucking pants!!"
And so I see this this morning:
 How great would it be if again plays on his own race and speaks frankly by looking into the camera and saying "Will you ni&&ers get the FUCK outta New Orleans already?!!?!?" 

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