Friday, August 10, 2012


The Walter Reed for combat dogs opens. Let's hope they run that operation better than they have the real Walter Reed (sorry rats, no offense.)
Hey, now McCain has even more Veteran Benefits he can cut repeatedly when he gets back to the Senate. Good for him! - XMASTIME
The Sully Team points out a report on the horrific conditions of our "crown jewel" military hospital in Kabul.
 You had—I mean, this is disgusting stuff—I know it’s early in the morning—but maggots crawling out of bandages. Stuff that, you know, just totally unacceptable. And we’re spending $11.2 billion, and we can’t manage the one, you know, high-profile hospital in the city. And it’s just—it’s pretty upsetting. 
No surprise, considering we can't go a week without seeing a report about rats patrolling Walter Reed. Hey, as Americans we love our troops so much we like to send them to the other side of the planet for unnecessary, unwinnable wars, and then completely shit on them once they're in hospitals/veterans. I mean, why else would they be committing suicide at such a clip? Cause we love 'em!

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