Sunday, August 19, 2012


The Hipster revels in buying a used auto mechanic's shirt with a patch that reads "Mike" for $50 (oil stains placed just so),  but would be horrified to actually know Mike, much less BE Mike (quelle horror.) - XMASTIME
This guy here hits it pretty good too:
A deeper irony though, is these people wouldn’t have wanted to live in the Williamsburg as it was, the creepy semi-dangerous low-density slum full of misfits, marginal figures, criminals and surly ethnics.  What the newcomers want is the cachet of living in an ‘edgy’ place without any of the thrill or danger of living somewhere truly edgy.  But they’ll never know the difference.
I did real estate in Williamsburg for a coupla years, and if I had a nickel for every 22 year-old who breezed in with a guarantor form from Daddy claiming he/she wanted something "industrial and gritty, you know, REAL, within a block of the Bedford L..." then I'd still be in real estate. And would probably own Saturn.

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