Saturday, August 18, 2012

Xmastime Quiz

Who wrote this on my Facebook page:
Is Facebook now a perpetual "soft opening" for your blog? I swear, you've tripled the posts of any other friend, and 80 percent of those are knee-slappers that would make Margaret Cho wince. And then, when I go to the blog for my daily dose of juvenalia and links to prior "predictions" I get a roundup of your FB bon mots and some frilly script. Dude, Sullivan gave you a shot at the big time and you soiled your drawers and retreated here, to Reno. I'm very disappointed.
A. Marley
B. Marley
C. Marley II: The Quickening
D. Marley
E. All of the above

1 comment:

Marley said...
