Saturday, September 08, 2012

Bruce & Eddie

I've never been a Pearl Jam guy so I don't even know why I watched this, but it's pretty typical of every singer who comes up to play with Bruce: honored to be there, deeply respectful, knows all the words to the song, moves to and fro the mic as Bruce signals, etc etc. You are, of course, a guest of The Boss. Just once I'd like to see someone get up there and really butcher a fucking song to pieces. Making up words, bumping into Bruce's guitar, clowning around so much it grinds the song to a halt. Or stand there and claim they've never heard the song before. "Born to Run? What the fuck is that?" And the more serious the song the better; if I was up there for Atlantic City Bruce would have a beer poured on his head, I'd be singing "Atlantic Shitty", and Bruce fans would hate me forever. Hey, I'm just saying, be different for fuck's sake.

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