Thursday, September 06, 2012

Circular Costanza

I noticed it the other night when he was on Bill Maher too - why the fuck is George Costanza wearing a rug? Gawker gets it right:
The worst part is that there was a whole Seinfeld episode about how George's toupee was silly and ugly. Jason Alexander acted out the thing and yet didn't absorb the "silly and ugly" part at all. This is like the time Lindsay Lohan was in Mean Girls, a good movie about living a fulfilling life by being yourself, and then proceeded to become a sad, lonely drug addict obsessed with fame.
That Seinfeld episode was of course The Beard, nominated by me to be the single best episode, and featured maybe the greatest George line ever:

"Remember - it's not a lie if you believe it."

So now, instead of merely life coming down to Costanza, we have Costanza himself bringing art to life…while doing The Opposite?

Whoa. My mind is officially fucking blown.

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