Monday, September 10, 2012

Here We Go Again

Republicans like to say they want Romney in The White House because "he's a businessman." They claim straight-up businesslike is how they want their country run. So it's confusing to me why they also care so much about how much a candidate does or doesn't believe in an unprovable entity in the sky. Plenty of people deal with plenty of businessmen every day without knowing or caring if they believe in a god or not. If you were in a meeting and told other "businessmen" you were only interested in working with those who believed in unicorns, you'd be laughed outta the room. And yet every four years we gotta go through this tired old game of suddenly it being very important for a candidate to believe in a god more than the other guy, even if you claim you want the country run "like a business."

If you wanna vote for a guy cause he's more "god-sy" than the other guy that's your choice, but then don't also expect me to take you seriously about how you want things run "like a business."

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