Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quelle Surprise!!!!

Chess officials in a tournament allow a player to use his computer to track the game's moves:
Moore was too focused on just avoiding checkmate to pay much mind to Smiley's off-board behavior. He ignored Smiley's frequent tap-tap-tapping away on a handheld Dell computer. Smiley had been given permission to use the device to keep a digital record of each move — but only for that purpose.
ooooohhhhh - permission, but ONLY for that purpose, darn it!!

So of course they were completely floored when dude was cheating the whole time:
Instead, a screen popped up for a program from the Fritz line of so-called "chess engines." These are super-smart, user-friendly apps able to analyze the positions of all pieces on the chessboard and consider millions of possible outcomes in a matter of nanoseconds before suggesting the best next move. By pushing all the right buttons on a good chess engine, any Kardashian sister could conceivably checkmate Fischer.
Yes, what a mystery. Allow computers into the game, and someone might use one to cheat. Gee. "Yes Jimmy, you may drill a hole in the girls locker room wall, but ONLY to see the inspirational posters on the lockers!!!!"

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