Thursday, September 06, 2012

Sounds Resonable

GOP Rep. Roscoe Bartlett says that student loans could lead to another Holocaust:
Not that it’s not a good idea to give students loans, it certainly is a good idea to give them loans. But if you can ignore the Constitution to do something good today, tomorrow you will be ignoring the Constitution to do something bad. You could. There are more people in our, in America today of German ancestry than any other [inaudible]. The Holocaust that occurred in Germany — how in the heck could that happen? And when you start down the wrong road, it can be a very slippery slope.
On a side note, maybe one reason this jerkoff is making absolutely no sense is that he's 86 fucking years old. Of COURSE he associates student loans with the Holocaust - he was in college when it happened! He prolly associates going to the fucking theater with getting shot in the head! And what do we say about old fuckers like this being in charge of the country?


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