Tuesday, September 25, 2012

State du Romney

One thing that's so strange about Mitt Romney is how unassociated he is with a particular state. I mean, he was governor of Massachusetts, but does anybody really think of him as being a Chowderhead? He grew up as son of the governor of Michigan, but does anybody think Romney = Michigan? Can you even dream up a guy less likely to know what an assembly line looks like? Maybe we align him with Utah because of his Mormonism and the Olympics, but oh gee what do you know, he's never actually lived there.

Obama was the city of Chicago, and everyone knew it. Bush claiming to be some sort of hardscrabble Texan was complete bullshit, but he sold it like a motherfucker. Clinton was the guy from Hope, Arkansas. Carter was Georgia and Reagan was everybody's grandpa. I don't wanna play into the whole "Romney is a robot" meme, but, again, he was the chief executive of a state which nobody, including himself, even remotely associates him with. I'm not saying this whole idea is good or bad, I'm just saying it's kind of weird.

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