Friday, September 14, 2012


Marley is at the Bruce show in DC!!!  Here's the play by play, direct from Marley!

8:37pm - Max Weinberg just had a drum solo.

8:45pm - Clarence Clemons' son is black!

8:47pm - Nils Lofgren whacking a whammy bar on the intro of We Take Care of Our Own. Homo. This really should be a campaign theme. Or a new song for Southwest Airlines.

8:51pm - Wrecking Ball. Time to get a hot dog.

8:54pm - Words Bruce should no longer be allowed to use:




8:58pm - Best news. We've had three straight from the new record. Quota fulfilled.

8:59pm - Death to My Hometown. Direct ripoff of the score to Braveheart.

9:06pm - Chatty Cathy. Talking ghosts. Old buildings and old guitars have ghosts. This dude is a kick ass fortune cookie.

9:10pm - Herb Alpert's band dropped by. Minister call and beckon. Got 13 minutes to go

9:13pm - Oh, fuck me. "Are you ready for a house party?!" 6 times.

Yes, fer crissakes.

No house party for me

More fucking ghosts.

My City in Ruins is now sullied by "bring it down boys."

Where's Sammy, Dean and Joey?


(Several times)

Oh cripes. This is like a mass Moonie wedding.

9:22pm - Is it possible to de-charm Spirit in the Night? Yes. The current version is closer to We Are Family.

9:26pm - N o joke, and its not Bruce's fault. A woman is knitting in front of me and Marley Jr.  just asked, "what time is it?"

9:27pm - Bruce just leaned over to Clarence's son (who really sucks, but hey) and said "this is before you were born!"

Ha ha ha ha (crowd).

What he didn't say is "this is right around when I fired all the black dudes from the band but your Dad."

9:28pm - Two good songs so far: Prove it All Night and The Ties That Bind (which was awesome)

9:33pm - Checked Facebook during the Celene Dion version of Blinded by the Light. Will Croxton wrote "LOL" at a pic of Marley Jr.. I showed it to him and said "Lots of Laughs."

Apparently, I'm retarded.

"Laugh out loud"?

That's stupid.

9:37pm - He's playing Jack of All Trades.  "Hard times, hard times"

The entire stadium has decided its time to talk about their day.

9:41pm - Jesus, does this song suck.

9:43pm - Jackson Cage! Finally!

9:46pm - She's the One. Okay. Let's make this shit real.

9:52pm -  Awesome. Followed by "Come on Steve."


Johnny 99.

I smell "Meet me at Mary's Place" right around the corner.

9:54pm - Marley Jr. wants to get home early enough so we can start "The Exorcism of Emily Rose."

We now have a New Orleans jazz fest during Johnny 99.

I get it.

9:57pm - Marley Jr is re-casting "Tommy." Anne Hathaway for Ann Margaret?

9:58pm - Second Weinberg drum solo. Oh, my bad - Johnny 99 IS Meet Me at Marys's Place.

10:01pm - Johnny 99 finally ended!  And yet, the Muslims storming our embassies remain angry.

Oh great. Nils Lofgren has been in the band long enough to sing lead on Darlington County.

I hope Danny Federici gets to sing soon.

Yea yea. Too soon.

10:03pm - Marley Jr: "No, really. How much of this do you think we have left?"

10:04pm - If you're paying the black girls to sing, Bruce, stop trying to hit those
high notes.

10:07pm - What are the odds I'd be hoping Bruce might want to talk politics?

No shit. We are now call and refrain on what I think might be "African
Child" by Infant Sorrow.

10:12pm - Shackled and Drawn. Oh my Lord!  Where is this from?  This song may actually be a hate crime. A woman is commanding that I stand up and be counted.

Fuck her. I'm sitting and casting Tommy II with Marley Jr.

10:15pm - Acoustic in hand.  Promising, except for screaming "Yea Steve!"

I thought I knew the song, but then he starts screaming "Max!"

This may be the EToys theme.

10:19pm - Some kid just got a chance to sing.


I've been a fan longer than some little bastard.

10:20pm - Marley Jr. wants you to know the kid "might be diseased."


10:24pm - The Promised Land is pretty good though the boys missed a note (will be fines passed out tomorrow)  and the nepotistic sax hire really can't blow at all

10:29pm - Racing in the Street. Classy tribute to the folks here from Walter Reed.

10:36pm - Racing in the Streets still going. I'm close to blaming the troops.

10:38pm - Racing in the Streets III just ended. Stunned stupor. No worries. Next song is The Rising.

10:44pm - All kiding aside, There is something both sweet and heartening to see so many folks reconnect with their youth through this guy. I'm watching folks getting longer in the tooth, transported, right in front of me. Rare that an artist can do that. It's pretty cool, even if my son is miserable.

And boom!


Marley and Marley Jr. out!

10:45pm - Transfixed, God love her
10:52pmHe just followed up Badlands, with the entire stadium in his hands, with some shit song from the new record. Pin drop. Fuck this!

Marley and Marley Jr. gonna' get to some "Exorcism of Emily Rose" sho' 'nuff soon (to take on the lingo of the night).

11:17pm - Born to Run

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