Saturday, September 15, 2012

Xmastime TV Emergency Alert!!!!

HOP on HBO right now!!!!

Previous "thoughts" on it:
First of all, every cute little animal character that talks in these movies should be voiced by Russell Brand.  Everything that fucking little bunny said cracked me up.

But I did spend the entire movie being aggravated that the main character (the live-action guy) didn't shut his father, always on his ass to get a job and make something of himself, the fuck up by saying "um, hello?...I HAVE A FUCKING RABBIT THAT TALKS!"  Instead of using this to make billions of dollars, he first tries to get rid of the bunny, then hides him.  What the fuck?

Having said that, I will watch it over and over when it comes on tv, cause the rabbit was fucking killing it. 
The general consensus seems to be that I'm the only person I know that liked Hop.  Not just liked; it might be the most I've ever laughed out loud in a movie theater.  Maybe this is why I'm not  a movie critic.  Of course, it was no Ratatoulle, but what is?

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