Sunday, October 14, 2012


I can understand Romney getting a bump because Obama totally sucked in the first debate, but I'm completely shocked at how MUCH the thing has swung just from that one night. I mean, really? A 90-minute performance totally wipes out anything you might have thought about both men? Really? It' not like Obama carried a puppy onstage and then beat it to death with a golf club, for chrissakes. In the end, all Romney has to do is come out and say "everything I've said over the last 2 years, you shouldn't believe," and even "independents" fall for it? I can see the base falling in line, but did this little shuck 'n jive really affect "undecideds" that much? Were people just waiting for any excuse to finally like Romney or turn on Obama, even if it's unpacking a case of lies on live television? Unbelievable.

One thing they need to quit saying is how "presidential" Romney looked, which I think is a pretty silly thing to say when the very person he's standing next to is, ta-DA!...the president. It's like a major leaguer getting sent down to Triple A ball and blathering excitedly about how close the league feels to The Show. Come the fuck on already.


umzug said...

I hope more themes ... new

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Marley said...

It didn't swing because of the debate. It swung because Obama's support is soft. All it is now is a race, which any reasonable person can see it should be. The president is still in the pole position. He just actually has someone in his rear view mirror and perhaps objects there are closer than they appear. Perhaps. But he still leads. If he takes Ohio, Romney has to sweep CO, NV, NH, VA and IA. Pretty tall order.