Thursday, October 04, 2012

Eff the Sux

The silver lining for Sox fans is that after spending an uncomfortable 7 years having won 2 World Series, now they can go back to being crybabies wrapped up in their quilt of claims of being "cursed" and "snakepit" et al.  They're much more comfortable being the Sarah Palin of MLB than winners, so I suspect chowderheads slept well last night. - XMASTIME
I've always thought the worst thing that could've happened to Red Sox fans was their going out and winning the World Series (twice...yet another fucked-up ting about the Bush administration, of course.) Some teams are not comfortable with, to quote Marley, the robes of power. I found this article from Charles Pearce reassuring:
So, I rather enjoyed the second half of this Red Sox season. I was reminded of all the afternoons I spent with my grandfather, watching lousy baseball while, bit by bit, he drank and smoked himself into the Beyond. Those were good days, and isn't that what the baseball people tell us the game is all about? Generations, sitting together, watching players bumble and stumble while the old folks teach the young'uns new and exciting curse words? Let Ken Burns set that to banjo music. I'll be in the Parakeet Bar, waiting for the show to begin.

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