Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh, Sully

Xmastime blogging hero Andrew Sullivan has moved to New York City, presumably because I'm now gone, and fucking hates it so far:
Just to walk a few blocks requires barging your way through a melee of noise and rudeness and madness. And a glance at your bank account shows a giant sucking sound as the city effectively robs you of all your pennies at every juncture. When you're there for a few days or a week, it can be bracing. But living with this as a daily fact of life? How does anyone manage it?
I'm told I should give it a few months.  Since our lease is for twelve, I don't have much choice. Adjustment to NYC is a process. A really long, exasperating, draining process. Do you just have to harden yourself to live as if this is normal? Or will it get better? Please tell me it gets better.
I emailed him and consoled him that yes, it gets better. That I moved there with $7 and no job, was ground into dust, and then cried my eyes out when leaving 15 years later, and there'll come a time when you'll wonder how people live anywhere else.

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