Monday, October 01, 2012

The Irony of Cruelty

I know kids can be cruel but gotdam, this shit's heart-wrenching.
High school student Whitney Kropp was shocked earlier this month when she was named to the homecoming court. Her happy surprise turned to humiliation when she learned the reason. The students thought it would be funny if the popularity contest was won by someone who was unpopular. Kids pointed at her in the hallways and laughed. The boy who was picked with her withdrew. Students told her that, in case she was wondering why the boy had dropped out, he was uncomfortable being linked with her.

"I thought I wasn't worthy," said Kropp, 16. "I was this big old joke."

Her embarrassment was complete, but it didn't last long.

This tiny farm town an hour north of Saginaw quickly rallied around her.

For the homecoming dance Saturday, businesses will buy her dinner, take her photo, fix her hair and nails, and dress her in a gown, shoes and a tiara. For the homecoming game Friday, residents will pack the football stadium so they can cheer when she is introduced at halftime. They will be wearing her favorite color (orange) and T-shirts with messages of support.
I thank god shit like this never occurred to me back in the day. Ugh.

The irony, of course, is it takes something this unusually cruel to show the goodness in the many, many other people who rallied around her.

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