Saturday, December 15, 2012

This Is Getting BO-ring.

From this week's Sports Illustrated:
As he speaks, Burke is sitting in front of his computer in the basement of his home in Reston, Va., where he conducts his analysis. Four years ago he was a single father with nights to himself. He began playing around with football statistics after he and a friend debated whether or not defense wins championships, and a few months later he began posting his work online. He attracted attention after he was one of the few, in November 2009, to defend Patriots coach Bill Belichick's almost universally panned decision to go for it on a fourth-and-two from his own 28-yard line with 2:08 remaining in a game in which New England led Indianapolis 34--28.
Oh, GEE!!... I'm only me, so I can only WISH I can think of someone else defending Belichick at the time...oh, wait - jolly ho, I can!

Motherfuckers...when will you people catch up to me?

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