Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragedy in Conn.

Whenever their is a mass shooting and someone posits that there would be fewer deaths if guns were tougher to come by, gun people howl with outrage that someone that nuts is gonna kill people anyway. Which might be true, but so it this:
In a remarkable coincidence, just as people were learning about the Connecticut elementary school shooting, we were also reading about a knife attack on elementary school kids in China. While both events are horrific and indicative of mental illnesses in their perpetrators, the contrast is clear: Without a gun, one deranged maniac was able to severely wound 22 kids, but, as of this writing, none of them have died. With a gun, another deranged maniac was able to shoot dead more than two dozen people in a matter of minutes.
But of course, as you already know, this isn't the time to talk about guns, so.

1 comment:

Marley said...

350 million guns and a boatload of deranged loonies, pal.

I'm all ears.