Monday, January 14, 2013

Downton Abbey Recap

Salon has "The Lady Edith Problem."
“Downton Abbey’s” serial mistreatment of Edith Crawley, the ultimate middle child, is one of its most telling quirks. The deliciously mean-spirited piling on of indignities is unjust, unfair, unkind, good fun and a pure expression of “Downton’s” ideology. Edith, poor pathetic, googley-eyed Edith, who has neither luck nor luminosity, neither her older sister’s stones nor her younger sister’s sweetness, or either of their beauty, is a true personification of “Downton’s” aristocratic worldview: We are not created equal.
Having her left on at the aisle was  bit TOO on the screws, wasn't it? I mean, bad enough the guy with the melted face last year rejected her, now this?
I don't know what the actress who plays Edith has done to these writers, but I haven't seen a team of writers hate like this since the Sopranos crew found out Adrianna was leaving to do Joey and so they gave her the shits on her way to being offed by Bruce The Boss Springsteen's guitar player. Ugh. Lighten up, guys!

Here's some old Xmastime thoughts to make her feel better. You're welcome, Lady Edith!
Am I the only dude in the world who'd bang Edith? Christ, last week she's throwing herself at some dude whose face had been blown up and looked like melted candle wax and HE'S like "well, only as a goof, and if you put a bag over your head." I'm really starting to question my eyesight.  I'm not saying I'd drag my dick a mile through broken glass to hit it, but camon. Ain't like she's Cameron Diaz, after all. - XMASTIME

Must say - my pity crush on Edith is in danger of being upgraded to an actual crush. Hmm.  Of course I'd run over her with a fucking tank to get my snout all up in Lady Sybil's rim. - XMASTIME

- The writers finally go all-in with the "Edith is so pitiful she'll desperately accept any man who'll have her" trope and set her up with this lovely chap.

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